Fat Dissolving Injections


A double chin can have multiple underlying causes and you do not have to be overweight to have a double chin. For some people the appearance of a double chin is actually due to anatomical variations, where improving the jaw line or chin with dermal filler can improve the jaw line/ "double chin" appearance.

For others, there is true "submental fullness" which can be treated with the fat dissolving injection "Belkyra".

What is Belkyra? and how does it work?
Belkyra is a syntehtic fat dissolving injectable enzyme named "Deoxycholic acid", which in its natural form is found in our bile acids. It works by breaking down the fat cells resulting in their death.

Can anyone have it?
Unfortunately not. This treatment is only suitable for those with moderate to severe "submental fullness" or true double chin. If the degree of submental fat is too large, it is more effective (both outcome and cost) to have it treated with liposuction. There are also other causes of "double chin" that can't be treated with Belkyra. This is why you must have a consultation before having this treatment. You can also not have this treatment if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

What is the process like?
A treatment course of 2-6 sessions, generally spaced 6 weeks to 3 months apart is typical. The treatment area is numbed and roughly 30 Belkyra injections are placed in the fat of the double chin. Swelling is typical and usually lasts about 2 weeks. The area can feel hard and lumpy for up to a couple of months as the fat cells are killed and taken away by the healing process. Some mild numbness often occurs that is usually not troublesome. Rarely nerve injury can cause an asymmetrical smile (about 2%), which typically resolves in about 8 weeks.

Result time
It takes multiple treatments (at least 2, usually 2-4) to see a significant improvement and this is a process that takes time. Typically 6-12 months would be a reasonable time frame to see results.

Not all causes of double chin can be treated in our clinic, but If the appearance of you chin/jaw is a concern for you, we will discuss this and ascertain the underlying cause of the cosmetic concern and discuss treatment options.


BELKYRA® injection is a prescription medicine containing 10 mg/mL deoxycholic acid. It is used for the improvement in the appearance of moderate to severe convexity or fullness associated with submental fat in adults. Do not use in people allergic to this medicine, with infection at site of injection, pregnancy and lactation. Possible side effects include headaches, difficulty swallowing, nausea, skin tightness, hypertension, injection site bruising/ pain/ swelling/ numbness/ redness/ tingling/ hardness/ itching/ discolouration/ formation of small areas of hardness/ warmth and injection site nerve injury. BELKYRA® treatment is not funded on the New Zealand Pharmaceutical Schedule. You will need to pay for this medicine. Normal Doctors visit fees apply. BELKYRA® treatment should be administered only by trained medical professionals. Speak to your specialist about your own situation and about the benefits/risks of this procedure in appearance medicine. For further information, the Data Sheet and Consumer Medicines Information can be accessed at www.medsafe.govt.nz or ask your doctor. If you have any side effects or concerns speak to your doctor. Note: Results from BELKYRA® treatment usually last up to four years. Allergan, Auckland

Belotero®  is a Class III medical device to smooth facial wrinkles and folds, correct facial atrophic scars, restore of enhance the lips or restore facial volume Belotero has risk and benefits.  Ask your specialist if Belotero is right for you. Contains transparent cross-linked sodium hyaluronate gel of nonanimal origin with lidocaine 0.3% to reduce local pain. Do not use if you have a skin inflammation or a skin infection or until the infection is healed. Precautions.  There is a risk of infection. Tell your doctor if you are on blood-clotting medicines as there could be an increased risk of bruising or bleeding at the injection site.  Possible side effects: swelling, bruising, redness hardening of the skin, pain, altered colour or itching. Lasts 6-12 months You will need to pay for this product and doctor’s fees apply. Merz, Sydney. Distributed by Healthcare Logistics, Auckland